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Empowering Positive Change

Transforming the Finnish Audiovisual Industry

Our Mission

Creating Safer Workplaces

antenni is a pioneering psychosocial responsibility model and pilot project dedicated to enhancing the working culture of the Finnish audiovisual industry.
By conducting workshops for positive change and providing consultations, we collaborate with audiovisual professionals to foster a better and safer work place for all.

antenni is starting a collaboration with the National Brain Health Program co-ordinated by
the Finnish Brain Association.

antenni is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s MTV Fund.
Suomen kulttuurirahaston logo, valkoinen puu keskellä ja rahaston nimi ympärillä

Meet The Team

a picture of Minna Dufton in a field of flowers
Project Manager


Minna Dufton, award-winning Writer, Director and Journalist, has focused her 24-year career on making films and TV series where people are priority. The same idea serves as a guideline for the antenni scheme: Putting AV industry professionals first and developing an industry that's better for its people. Minna is a CPD certified Trauma Work professional specializing in sensitive topics and their treatment on all platforms. In 2024, Minna completed her studies in Leadership and Project Management for independent art professionals at the University of the Arts.

About antenni

Driving Positive Change

antenni is a groundbreaking initiative designed to unite Film and TV professionals across Finland in a shared commitment to fostering psychological safety in the workplace.
Like an antenna that receives and transmits signals, this model connects industry stakeholders, amplifies their voices, and aligns their efforts toward creating healthier, more supportive work environments.

Signal Reception

antenni actively listens to the industry by collecting feedback, concerns, and suggestions from professionals at all levels. This constant reception of signals ensures

that the model is responsive to the real and evolving needs of the industry.

Our support programs offer practical help by experts who know the AV industry and mental health very well. Together we work from a place of care and compassion.

Signal Amplification

antenni serves as a platform to amplify the importance of psychological safety. By broadcasting best practices, success stories, and expert guidance, antenni raises awareness and educates professionals on how to create and maintain safe, supportive workspaces.​

Through networking events by the antenniHUB, we create a sense of community and solidarity among audiovisual professionals, fostering a supportive network for individuals to network and share experiences.


Signal Transmission

Prevention is key to maintaining a healthy and psychologically safe work environment. We focus on early intervention strategies, mental health screenings, and risk assessments to prevent potential issues before they escalate.

By being a dynamic force for positive change in psychological safety, we strive to send signals of a supportive industry that values and protects the creative mind.

The Impact

By integrating antenni into their daily operations, industry professionals can expect to see a significant improvement in workplace culture.
With clearer communication, stronger support networks, and a unified approach to psychological safety, the Finnish Film and TV industry can become a model for social responsibility and worker well-being.

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